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Lifeform Becomes the Most Used BNB Chain dApp

ByBNB Chain DappBayon Mar 7, 2023
Lifeform Becomes the Most Used BNB Chain dApp

Lifeform becomes the most used BNB Chain dApp after finally displacing PancakeSwap according to the last 30-day users on DappBay. Lifeform registered 3.04 million monthly users in February 2023, more than double the users registered by PancakeSwap. For context, PancakeSwap registered more than 1.45 million users over the same period. 



The top-6 BNB Chain dApps according to 30-day users on DappBay feature Lifeform, followed by PancakeSwap, Hooked, CyberConnect, 1inch Network, and Gameta. 2 dApps in the social category (Lifeform and CyberConnect) are in the top-6 BNB Chain dApps according to users in the last 30 days.


Lifeform processed more than 3.15 million transactions in the last 30 days making it one of the leading dApps in transactions on BNB Chain. Only PancakeSwap with 13.16 million transactions and Hooked with 3.61 million transactions processed more transactions than Lifeform on BNB Chain. 

What is Lifeform?

Lifeform is a leading Web3 ecosystem project where people can create hyper-realistic 3D virtual human avatars and cartoon avatars easily. Users can use NFTs as digital identities to log in to any dApp and metaverse world with the advanced Lifeform DID solution. The hyper-realistic 3D virtual human avatar editor and Visual DID solution provider aim to bring the next billion users to Web3.


Reasons for Lifeform’s Growth

Lifeform’s growth can be attributed to a few key events including the launch of the Unity Avatar Editor, integration with project HALO, the Super Avatar II campaign, and AI-generated avatars.


1. Unity Avatar Editor

Lifeform launched a mobile version of the Unity Avatar Editor, an upgrade from the previous UE5 editor. The previous editor (UE5) required an expensive computer setup which limited the number of users that could use the editor. A mobile version means more users could use the editor with lower system restrictions. 


2. Project HALO

Project HALO, incubated by Lifeform, is launching its own metaverse game and token. Lifeform users could log on to HALO using their Lifeform avatar to play the game. Lifeform users also got a free airdrop for playing the game. 


3. Super Avatar II 

Users can share $100,000 BUSD in prizes with the Lifeform Super Avatar II campaign in association with 10 partners. The Super Avatar II are 10 quiz-to-earn campaigns held in association with BNB Chain, HALO, Hooked, Tap Fantasy, RACA, BurgerCities, NNS, CyberConnect, HighStreet, and ink Finance. 

More than 57773 users joined the Lifeform Super Avatar II quiz-to-earn campaign co-hosted with BNB Chain and 1212 Winners shared a $10,000 prize pool. The number of Lifeform cartoons minted grew from 100K to over 1.07 million over 4 days during the campaign. Users can participate in the campaign by staking one Lifeform Cartoon Avatar that users can mint for free or by paying 20 BUSD for each round. Catch the details of the Super Avatar II campaign on Twitter with coverage from BSC Daily.


4. AI-Generated Avatars 

Lifeform users can mint AI-generated avatars by simply uploading a picture or taking a selfie and choose between a hyper-realistic version avatar or a cartoon version avatar. 


5. Campaigns on DappBay

Lifeform users can access multiple campaigns on DappBay that include minting your LBT, claiming your Lifeform Cartoon, and participating in Super Avatar II. 

Start your Lifeform Journey with LBT
Start your Lifeform Journey with LBT
Host by
Share $100,000 BUSD and win grand prizes with Lifeform
Share $100,000 BUSD and win grand prizes with Lifeform
Host by


Has the Reign of Social dApps Begun? 

According to the networking effect, more users on a dApp help improve the value provided by the dApp, which in turn helps attract more users to the platform. The widespread adoption of the internet or social networking sites such as Twitter is the networking effect in action. Social dApps are well positioned to leverage the advantages of the networking effect and have the potential to displace DeFi if the former can continue to sustain its growth. However, sustainability is also long-term.


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