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CARV Pass: Power, GEM, and more!

ByBNB Chain DappBayon Mar 16, 2023
CARV Pass: Power, GEM, and more!

CARV is building a credential and data infrastructure focused on gaming, enabling gamers with seamless credential-based gaming experiences, and empowering games with data-driven intelligence, starting with Web3.

For a long time, CARV.io has been a place where playful and adventurous go hand in hand. The Dragonball: CARVers Arise event was an eye-opener for us, and we were amazed by the enthusiasm and ability of everyone involved, which made us all the more eager to give you, the fun gamers, a great gift.

We want more and more diverse rewards for your efforts, which represent not only monotonous rewards but also more exciting “luck”. We also want your outstanding skills and outstanding community contributions to translate into more tangible incentives. That’s what CARV Pass is all about. It will speed up your journey or bring wonderful surprises. The opportunity is within your reach. You can now access CARV Pass here.

Learn more about how to be among the firstcomers to secure a seat to rewards and more treats.


What to Expect for CARV Pass?

CARV Pass is the first project on CARV platform where players can earn GEM and unlock rewards directly. You can earn GEM by joining quests. There are four types of quests:

  • Time Limited: You can only join this type of quest for a certain period of time. The clock is ticking!
  • Weekly: Every week there will be recurring quests. For example, daily check-ins, and engagement in the CARV community to name a few.
  • Monthly: Similar to the weekly quests, every month there will be recurring quests, for example, write 2 game reviews on CARV, unlock 2 game achievement SBTs, etc..
  • Seasonal: This type of quest is the one that you can conquer throughout the whole season!

After finishing each quest, you can claim the corresponding EXP. 50 EXP is needed for 1 level-up, accompanied by various rewards, including Power, GEM, mystery box, SBT, Title, lottery, and more! Level-up rules details can be found in this infograph:


What’s Power?

Power determines how efficiently you can reap from a GEM prize pool. The higher the power is, the more share of GEM you will get from each prize pool. Your initial Power will be 1.0 to start. The upper limit of the power is 3.0.

There are two ways to get more power: Level up your Pass, or equip your Dragon Treasure NFT. Learn more about Dragon Treasure NFT and get one on OpenSea!

If you own more than one Dragon Treasure NFT, only the highest-level one will be used for power-up


What is GEM after all?

GEM is the CARV platform point. You can earn GEM via:

  • Join events with GEM Prize pool
  • Mystery Box
  • Level-up rewards
  • Leaderboard top 300
  • and other ways!

GEM can be used to redeem game props, cash and $ARC rewards, physical prizes in the store, and much more! GEM Store is opening soon, stay tuned!


More Rewards, Explained

When Leveling up, you will receive rewards of all types, GEM, mystery box, SBT, Title, Lottery, and more!


Seasonal Leaderboard

Seasonal Leaderboard is related to your Pass Level and your EXP. CARV will snapshot the Top 300 on the leaderboard at the end of the season. Ranking high on the leaderboard means more rewards are unleashed. Here’s a sneak peek of the leaderboard rewards:


Sounds Interesting! How can I join?

For this time, we select real gamers to onboard to this exciting journey! You can only get the whitelist to get into the CARV Pass S1. These are the ways:

  • Dragonballer SBT holders
  • Dragon Treasure NFT holders, snapshot is taken every Monday at 12AM UTC
  • CARV Level reaches 5 and more
  • Active CARVers on Discord, Twitter, and Facebook
  • Whitelist Giveaway with our partners, including BNB Chain Easter Campaign
  • Referral Campaign (coming soon)


CARV Pass S1 Period

2023 March.1 4PM, UTC — June.1, 4PM UTC

Loyal CARVers and new CARVers welcome to the new era!

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