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Share 14K BUSD with BNB Chain Valentine's Day Campaign

ByBNB Chain DappBayon Feb 7, 2023
Share 14K BUSD with BNB Chain Valentine's Day Campaign

Are you ready for an unforgettable Valentine's Day experience? Get ready to spread the love and celebrate with BNB Chain's 'Love is in the Air' campaign! This year, we're mixing things up with a romantic adventure filled with chocolates, NFTs, and exciting prizes.


Join us as we put a twist on the holiday by participating in heartwarming activities, collecting NFTs with different letters to complete the phrase 'LOVE-IS-IN-THE-AIR,' and stand a chance to win sweet surprises. 


This is your chance to make this Valentine's Day one to remember and share it with your special someone or with friends and family. Get stuck in Cupid’s embrace and feel the love in the air with BNB Chain.


Join the Valentine's Day Love is in the Air campaign here! 



Important Dates

  • The campaign starts on 8 Feb 2023 (00:00 UTC).
  • The last date for completing tasks is 13 Feb (23:00 UTC).
  • The snapshot for the top 1001 winning wallet addresses will be taken on 14 Feb 03:00 UTC. 
  • The lucky draw is between 14 Feb (07:00 UTC) to 20 Feb (07:00 UTC).


How to Participate?

  1. Visit 'Love is in the Air' campaign landing page.
  2. Explore the 'Love is in the Air' campaign, click on each of the 14 projects, and read the activity description.
  3. Complete an activity to claim your mystery box. Inside the mystery box, you can get either a chocolate-lettered NFT or a thank-you message NFT. If you get a chocolate-lettered NFT, the letters are randomized. Claim your chocolate NFT for the activity/task you complete on Galxe.
  4. Obtain all 14 letters to form the 'L-O-V-E-I-S-I-N-T-H-E-A-I-R' phrase. Swap letters with friends, the community or on social media to fill in the missing letter and complete the phrase.
  5. Check out the real-time leaderboard on DappBay to see where you stand compared to other users completing the 14-lettered phrase. You can also check out the NFTs you’ve collected so far on DappBay. 


The first 1001 users to complete the phrase ‘Love is in the Air’ will share a prize pool of $14000 BUSD. Return to DappBay on Valentine’s Day (14 Feb) to participate in the lucky draw and claim your prize.


All 5000 users who form the phrase ‘Love is in the Air’ can forge and mint a special edition love NFT on Galxe. Learn more about forging.  


After claiming your mystery box on Galxe, go to my NFTs / OATs under my profile in the upper right corner to see which NFT you got.


Lucky Draw

The lucky draw for the first 1001 users who complete the phrase to share the prize pool will be conducted on Dappbay from 14 February 0700 UTC to 20 February 0700 UTC. 

If the total number of winners is less than or equal to 400, the prize pool will be split equally. If there are more than 400 winners, users will stand to win up to $250 from the prize pool in randomized amounts to be drawn from $5 - $250.

Winners will get the respective BUSD amount depending on what they draw in the lucky draw. Our system will conduct the draw for winning users who don’t return to Dappbay within the time frame to do their lucky draw. 

Rewards will be airdropped to winners by the participating projects within 14 days after the campaign ends. Rewards drawn are final and shall not be contested. 


Rules of the Valentine’s Day Campaign

  1. Each wallet address (user) can complete a task only once. A user can complete a maximum of 42 tasks across all projects in the campaign. 
  2. Stay tuned for new tasks released on the 8th, 10th, and 12th of Feb. 
  3. Mint a Mystery box on Galxe after completing a task
  4. Each Mystery Box contains either a randomized letter or a thank you message
  5. Obtain all 14 letters to form the “L-O-V-E-I-S-I-N-T-H-E-A-I-R” phrase. 
  6. Don’t panic if you don’t see your letters on DappBay right away. Check again in 5 minutes and you should find it. 
  7. 5000 Users who complete the phrase can burn all 14 letters to forge a limited edition love NFT on Galxe.
  8. The first 1001 users to complete the phrase will share a prize pool of 14000 BUSD. Return to Dappbay between 14 Feb 07:00 UTC to 20 Feb 07:00 UTC for the lucky draw or the system will conduct the draw for you automatically

Participating Projects

The Love is in the Air Valentine's Day Campaign features dApps including Tiny World, Trader Joe, Lifeform, Multichain, Yuliverse, Meta Apes, Monsterra, TopGoal, ApolloX, Helio, Hangout, Plant Crossing, Gaimin, and Debox.


Beware of scammers

Please always do your due diligence and beware of scammers when swapping chocolates!

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