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What is Ultiverse?

ByBNB Chain DappBayon Feb 1, 2023
What is Ultiverse?

Ultiverse is a Web3 metaverse focused on realizing MetaFi. At the center of the Ultiverse metaverse is the social hub and virtual metropolis - Terminus City, combined with a variety of other products, attracting users from different backgrounds to join UltiverseDAO in creating the Ultiverse MetaFi Ecosystem.

The Ultiverse MetaFi Ecosystem currently contains four major elements:

  • Metaverse - Terminus, Ultiverse Task Platform
  • Games - EndlessLoop, MetaGF App, side games, and more
  • NFTs - ElectricSheep, MetaGF, and more
  • Media - Ultiverse Live and more



Terminus City:

Terminus is the epicenter of activity. A blockchain-based metaverse platform and an explorable virtual metropolis, Terminus has everything. Users can access a wide variety of games from a centralized hub. In addition, Ultiverse constantly adds new titles to its extensive game options through self-development, third-party partnerships, and other cooperations.

Terminus aims to enhance the gameplay and value of titles while facilitating easier access to the game ecosystem. As a result, Terminus will attract a wider audience by making access convenient and enriching users' gaming experience.

At present, Ultiverse's  Development Kit (SDK) will be open and accessible so that other third-party Dapps can access Terminus. In addition, Ultiverse has access to a third-party NFT exchange platform, and players can buy NFTs directly from Terminus.

In the future, Ultiverse will utilize Terminus to collaborate with diverse partners, integrate different games, and push above the limitations of Web2 and Web3 to create a multicultural metaverse. For example, after logging into Terminus, users will experience their virtual version of Oasis, the fictional utopia of "Ready Player One." Furthermore, users can collect unique game fragments by completing tasks in different games and obtain more rewards by merging fragments.


Besides access to games, Terminus will provide users with a more realistic and immersive experience than any other metaverse project. Although much of Terminus will be designed based on real cities, the buildings and infrastructure will resemble something much more imaginative and exciting. In addition, the city is home to several attractions: the NFT Gallery, Mini Game Center, Exhibition Hall, Night Club, and more. We hope that users can enjoy the fun of different games through Terminus and communicate and connect with other players while shopping, learning, and discovering new content.


Ultiverse Task Platform:

Ultiverse Task Platform is one of the core foundations in the Ulitverse ecosystem. Users can complete tasks to earn unique ecological rewards. The functions from the platform will cover all products. The Ultiverse Task Platform will be an important harbor for people to access and experience the joy of Ultiverse.



The various games can be categorized as follows:

  • Ultiverse's self-developed game titles include Endless Loop and the MetaGF App.
  • Side games: Ultiverse will incubate gaming developers that support our primary mission and provide the economic system and marketing support for those games published within the Ultiverse ecosystem.


AAA Game: Endless Loop

Endless Loop is built with Unreal Engine 5 and centered around the four pillars of discovery: exploring, mining, hunting, and crafting. Players build up their characters' resources and engage in PVE and PVP modes, seeking and battling other explorers and alien creatures. It's also possible to tame and breed creatures along the way, even pitting them against each other with other players. As players begin banding together to create guilds, wars will break out, and battles over more valuable and rare resources will start to rage.


Sustainable tokenomics in Endless Loop is a primary focus for the Ultiverse team, and finding the right balance of player rewards is crucial. Unlike other ordinary "Play to Earn" crypto games, Endless Loop encourages players to find a suitable role in the multi-layered economy according to their play style. So whether you are a landlord, a mercenary for hire, or an explorer, you can earn profit by completing tasks and trading with other players.


In addition, Endless Loop's economic system also encourages players to band together to complete higher-level tasks and create more advanced in-game NFTs. Ultiverse aims to attract a wide range of players from different economic backgrounds and ensure all players can find suitable roles in the larger ecosystem and still have fun regardless of their financial investment.


MetaGF: Moonlight

The Moonlight NFT collection is a genuinely dynamic Web3 NFT series. This collection has unique characteristics that set it apart from other common PFP NFTs. They share a similar appearance, but you can also redesign your own MetaGF and MetaBFF to make them stand out. Dressing her in one-of-a-kind garments and accessories can make her look more glamorous. In addition, Moonlight NFTs have the potential to learn a wide variety of practical abilities for Terminus.

Furthermore, you can give Moonlight gifts or chat with her via an AI chatbot. The more time you spend with your Moonlight, the better relationships you will have, which will benefit you more in Terminus. As your level of favorability increases, your MetaGF or MetaBFF will acquire many unique and personalized talents.

Side Games

Ultiverse is working with well-known gaming studios on various social games, ready to launch in 2023. Users can participate in tournaments to complete tasks and receive special rewards.



Electric Sheep (Genesis PFP)

Electric Sheep, a cyberpunk theme NFT PFP collection, is the genesis of the NFT series launched by Ultiverse. It is set in a dystopian world where people seek out Sisyphus and his legendary chip. Augmented humans seek the chip to obtain immortality, while humanoids need it to become "awakened." The Electric Sheep collection reflects a cyberpunk aesthetic through clashing colors, human augmentation, and rebellion in each character design.

In Terminus, Electric Sheep is your full-access card. The NFT gives users complete access to all of Ultiverse's games. Simultaneously, Electric Sheep NFT holders will be awarded more in-game assets, real estate, Ultiverse token airdrops, and other benefits.


MetaGF (Moonlight)

Moonlight NFT is the exclusive MetaGF NFT that allows users to unlock additional quests and rewards from Ultiverse. For more details about Moonlight, refer to: "MetaGF: Moonlight" in the “Game” section.


Media - Ultiverse Live

Launched in August 2022, the Livestream has covered major Web3 hot topics and blockchain projects and gained a massive following within a short time frame (all through the Binance KYC). Ultiverse Live has held the #1 spot on Binance's streaming platform over a long period and sees new followers every broadcast. The number of followers has exceeded 160K, with more than 23,500K likes.

Ultiverse will expand its media offering. For example, Ultiverse will put up more content, such as the guide and marketing campaigns,  from the ecosystem in Ultiverse's YouTube channel, podcast, Twitch, etc. In the future, The Media of Ultiverse will become quick access to navigate users for entering Ultiverse.



Come and experience the future of metaverse games and blockchain technology with Ultiverse, a revolutionary new way to explore Web3. We're excited to give you a sneak peek at our upcoming features and products to see what we have planned for the Ultiverse MetaFi Ecosystem!


Ultiverse MetaFi Ecosystem

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