Zerion Wallet
Import your existing wallet to see your portfolio, trade, and bridge across 10+ networks and 500+ protocols.
Zerion Wallet StatisticsBNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain
About Zerion Wallet
What is Zerion Wallet?
Zerion Wallet is a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet that secure open source technologies and lets you stay in control of your private keys and seedphrase. The Zerion Wallet helps users manage their BNB Chain portfolios, including tokens and positions across DeFi protocols. Zerion’s built-in trading and bridging aggregator also helps users find the best deals. Zerion shares many of its tools to help other builders. The Websocket API lets developers integrate the whole of DeFi into their applications without running their own infrastructure. Zerion’s DeFi SDK, a set of open-source smart contracts, makes it easier to trade across networks, query assets, and interact with major DeFi protocols. Instead of acting as custodian for your crypto (like exchanges do), Zerion Wallet stores your private keys locally on your device and not on a central server. And your crypto assets are stored on the blockchain. You can access the assets using the private keys that are encrypted and safely stored on your phone.
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