Red Alarm
Reflect Doge RFLCTMINE
100% Decentralized 10% Daily
Reflect Doge RFLCTMINE StatisticsBNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain
About Reflect Doge RFLCTMINE
What is Reflect Doge RFLCTMINE?
The Reflect Doge Gamified Staking Contracts are living forever on BSC. There is no owner function left, its 100% community owned, 100% Decentralized, and only three overall functions: deposit, compound, and claim. You can earn up to 10% daily APR. The staking module is called Reflect Mine. There are also NFT collections that offer another source of passive income. The proceeds from the minting contribute to the staking contract's balance. The referral program is built into the staking aspect, and the 5% Referral Rewards are covered by a 10% treasury fee. 2 Tokens - LP Burned , Renounced 2 Utility NFT Collections NFT Scratchtickets Whitelabel Services