Red Alarm
PCS Cake DeFi
Earn interest on your cryptocurrency investments.
PCS Cake DeFi StatisticsBNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain
About PCS Cake DeFi
What is PCS Cake DeFi?
PCS Cake DeFi is a high-risk staking pool service that offers users the opportunity to earn interest on their cryptocurrency investments. PCS Cake DeFi pretends to be affiliated with the original PancakeSwap exchange. PCS Cake DeFi charges an audit fee to users who have earned a certain amount of interest to ensure the security and integrity of the platform. Each participant must hold an agreement cooperation wallet: safepal, Trust, Tokenpocket, bitkeep, etc. The Participant's wallet needs to have BSC (BNB) , ERC (ETH) , TRC (TRX) & USDT ( BSC , ERC & TRC ) to participate. 1. Connect your wallet to the Liquid Staking DApp 2:Activate and approve staking contract . 3:Receive the Staking Derivative 4:Your tokens are deposited with the validators according to the protocol’s in-built mechanism 5:Your Staking Derivative starts accruing rewards 6:You can use this Staking Derivative in DeFi applications