Red Alarm
Nemogem is an NFT marketplace that adds trustless refunds to smart contracts and allows buyer to return the NFTs purchased at a certain cost within a given refund period.
Nemogem StatisticsBNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain
About Nemogem
What is Nemogem?
Nemogem applies one of the E-commere's most effective marketing strategies, which is a return policy for buyers, into the NFT marketplace. The application of blockchain technology aims to make the NFT return process transparent and automatic with the help of smart contracts. By applying the return policy to the NFT marketplace, we believe this will remove most of the financial barriers for new entrants, thereby promoting the use and adoption of NFT. We want to help you find comfort and enjoyment when buying and acquiring NFT ownership instead of being compelled to choose. Nemo Marketplace contract allows you to return your purchased NFTs with on-chain agreements to get refunds in case they cannot fit your need.