Inuko Finance

DeFi DAO to helps grow businesses and build up assets with bond products or from just holding on to obtain rewards in USDT.
Inuko Finance StatisticsBNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain
Token StatisticsINUKO
About Inuko Finance
What is Inuko Finance?
Inuko is a DeFi DAO project that helps grow businesses through collaborations and, at the same time, build up your assets with bond products or from just holding on to obtain rewards in USDT. Inuko Finance is a DeFi DAO project that helps businesses and people to grow in many ways: 1) Holders can earn reflections in USDT simply by holding Inuko coins 2) Other Crypto projects can list their bonds on Inuko Bond Market 3) Inuko is developing its crypto-payment solution 4) Inuko is developing a marketplace for vendors to sell crypto and manga merchandise. 5) Inuko has manga, videos and other forms of media for the public to enjoy and learn.
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