GBM Auctions
GBM is the auction system where bidders make money when they are outbid.
GBM Auctions StatisticsBNB Greenfield
BNB Greenfield
About GBM Auctions
DeFi Tools
What is GBM Auctions?
In a typical auction there is only one winner and everyone else loses. Many auctions don’t attract enough bidders and some get none at all. GBM™ turns any auction into a great experience where you either win or you make money. You place a bid, and if someone outbids you, you get your bid back, plus a share from the pot called an incentive. When a new bid is placed, the GBM™ formula calculates how much money that bidder will earn if they are outbid. Every bidder that gets outbid earns an incentive, and the highest bidder at the end of the auction wins, with the seller receiving what is left in the pot. You can deploy the back-end and front-end for your GBM auctions in under an hour with our Plug and Play solution, no full-stack developer required! We also have a fully customisable code library for more advanced integrations. GBM auctions are available for both blockchain-based applications and non-blockchain platforms.
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