About EX Sports
What is EX Sports?
EX Sport Starz is a platform that allows sport fans to buy, trade and sell digital sport collectibles. The app offers a variety of sports and has a special reward program for the collectors, athletes and sport fans. Founded in 2019, EX Sports’s NFT platform is designed to support lesser-known athletes in the “long tail” of the industry: muay thai, powerlifting, arm wrestling, jujitsu, and many other “underdog sports.” While these athletes may not get as much airplay as American or European football superstars, they still have substantial groups of dedicated, passionate fans seeking ways to support and connect with them. The fans who purchase digital collectibles minted on EX Sports enjoy a variety of perks. They have the opportunity to invest in unique digital assets, as well as the ability to sell and trade them with fellow fans from across the globe.
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