$4.4M Liquidity Pool Boost for Leading Memecoins
Support top memecoins with permanent BNB liquidity! Daily and weekly winners shine in Round 1—future rounds shaped by community feedback.
Memecoins Leaderboard by Performance
Memecoin will be ranked based on this formula : Score = (Market Cap Rank × 30%) + (Price Increase Rank × 20%) + (Trading Volume Rank × 50%). The lower the score, the higher the project's overall ranking. Rankings will be calculated daily (24h) and weekly (7d) using the same criteria. Please note that this leaderboard is refreshed every 5 minutes.
Memecoins ranking ends in 00:00:00
Memecoin Winner
Memecoins must launch at least 48 hours before each daily competition and 48 hours before the weekly competition ends to be eligible. To win, a memecoin must have a $1M+ market cap, 1,000+ holders, the top 10 EOAs (excluding exchanges, CEX wallet and CZ's public wallet) holding less than 10%, and a verified code on BscScan or a security audit. More details here.
Memecoins must launch at least 48 hours before each daily competition and 48 hours before the weekly competition ends to be eligible. To win, a memecoin must have a $1M+ market cap, 1,000+ holders, the top 10 EOAs (excluding exchanges, CEX wallet and CZ's public wallet) holding less than 10%, and a verified code on BscScan or a security audit. More details here.
Memecoins must launch at least 48 hours before each daily competition and 48 hours before the weekly competition ends to be eligible. To win, a memecoin must have a $1M+ market cap, 1,000+ holders, the top 10 EOAs (excluding exchanges, CEX wallet and CZ's public wallet) holding less than 10%, and a verified code on BscScan or a security audit. More details here.
Memecoins must launch at least 48 hours before each daily competition and 48 hours before the weekly competition ends to be eligible. To win, a memecoin must have a $1M+ market cap, 1,000+ holders, the top 10 EOAs (excluding exchanges, CEX wallet and CZ's public wallet) holding less than 10%, and a verified code on BscScan or a security audit. More details here.
Memecoins must launch at least 48 hours before each daily competition and 48 hours before the weekly competition ends to be eligible. To win, a memecoin must have a $1M+ market cap, 1,000+ holders, the top 10 EOAs (excluding exchanges, CEX wallet and CZ's public wallet) holding less than 10%, and a verified code on BscScan or a security audit. More details here.
Memecoins must launch at least 48 hours before each daily competition and 48 hours before the weekly competition ends to be eligible. To win, a memecoin must have a $1M+ market cap, 1,000+ holders, the top 10 EOAs (excluding exchanges, CEX wallet and CZ's public wallet) holding less than 10%, and a verified code on BscScan or a security audit. More details here.
Memecoins must launch at least 48 hours before each daily competition and 48 hours before the weekly competition ends to be eligible. To win, a memecoin must have a $1M+ market cap, 1,000+ holders, the top 10 EOAs (excluding exchanges, CEX wallet and CZ's public wallet) holding less than 10%, and a verified code on BscScan or a security audit. More details here.