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Stake CAKE-BUSD LP Tokens and Earn CAKE on PancakeSwap

Liquidity Provision
Supply CAKE-BUSD, Stake CAKE-BUSD LP Tokens

About campaign

Become a Cake-BUSD LP, stake LP tokens, and earn CAKE on PancakeSwap. CAKE is the native token of PancakeSwap. Earn up to 50% rewards with rewards depending on the staked pool. PancakeSwap is a leading DEX on BNB Chain where users can trade crypto, NFTs, and earn.

How to join

Step 1: Go to Farms on PancakeSwap

Go to Farms under Earn and select the CAKE-BUSD Farm on PancakeSwap. 


Step 2: Connect your wallet


Step 3: Enable Farm

Give permission to access your CAKE-LP. BNB Gas fees is required for this transaction. 


Step 4: Stake LP Tokens

Select the amount of CAKE-BUSD LP tokens you want to stake and confirm the transaction in your wallet. If you don't have CAKE-BUSD LP tokens, then add liquidity in the CAKE-BUSD pool first (50% CAKE and 50% BNB). 


Step 5: Earn CAKE staking rewards

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