Echosystem Campaign
Formacar Action Pre-Beta
About campaign
Formacar Group presents: Formacar Action - a Web3 destiny of Play2Earn, Free2Play and Drive2Earn mechanics united under a cross-platformed GameFi product! Dive into the world of multiple game modes, starting from Sprint, Drift, Circuit and Freeride finishing with braking the boundaries between a personal mobile device and a real-world vehicle! Compete against other live players, receive rewards and take part in multiple social events!
How to join
Step 1: Download the game
The current Pre-Beta release of Formacar Action is available to download on Google Play and App Store:
- App Store:
- Google Play:
Step 2: Create an account
Once the application is installed, open the game and create your account. To do this, follow the instructions:
- Push the REGISTER button
- Enter your E-mail address
- Confirm E-mail with the code
- Select the car and now you can start playing!
Step 3: Send your E-mail address on Formacar Action Discord
Once the account is created, go to Formacar Action Discord server and follow the instructions:
- Verify your profile (#verify channel)
- Create a ticket in #support channel
- Go to the ticket’s chat & send an E-mail of your game account and proof of participation in the campaign
After all the steps are completed, the appropriate amount of FCC in-game currency will be sent to your game account for the purchase of the ticket. You can buy a Standard ticket in the game store. Good luck on the tracks, racer!
May 18 09:05 - Jun 18 22:59 2023
Email, Discord
*Disclaimer: This campaign is initiated by the project party. Please thoroughly study the rules and rights to avoid financial losses.