Stake wmxWOM and Earn 5% LP Earning, veWOM Rewards on Wombex
About campaign
How to join
Step 1: Navigate to the staking section on Wombex and select wmxWOM.
Step 2: Select connect wallet.
Step 3: Select the amount of WOM you want to convert to wmxWOM and approve the transaction.
This transaction requires some BNB for gas fees. Please note that converting WOM to wmxWOM cannot be reversed. You can stake, unstake, or trade your wmxWOM in the secondary market.
Step 4: After approving the transaction, select on 'Convert and Stake' and sign the transaction in your wallet.
This second transaction is to convert and stake, while the previous step is only approving the transaction.
Step 5: You should be able to see your total claimable rewards and total deposits on the Wombex dashboard.