Red Alarm
Trading protocol and automated liquidity provision on BNB Smart Chain.
FstSwap StatisticsBNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain
Token StatisticsFIST
About FstSwap
What is FstSwap?
FstSwap is an automated market maker ("AMM") that allows the exchange of two tokens on Binance Smart Chain. It's fast, cheap, and allows anyone to participate. FstSwap has a strong community effect, global distributed community nodes, and through innovative references to Swap node elections, the entire Swap ecosystem is more active and attracts more traders to use. FstSwap allows users to trade tokens without going through a centralized exchange. Any transactions you make on FstSwap will be debited and processed directly from your wallet. You don't need to trust anyone, your tokens don't go through anyone's hands during the transaction. Users who provide liquidity can get FON token rewards by staking their LP tokens (liquidity certificates) to smart contracts.